Personal Online Journal

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Disciplinary Councils


President Hinckley teaches about disciplinary Councils (D&C 102:9-33)
In times of disciplinary councils, the three brethren of the bishopric, or the three brethren of the stake presidency, or the three brethren of the presidency of the Church, sit together, discuss matters together, pray together, in the process of reaching a decision. I wish to assure you, my brethren, that I think there is never a judgment rendered until after prayer has been had. Action against a member is too serious a matter to result from the judgment of men alone, and particularly of one man alone. There must be the guidance of the Spirit, earnestly sought for and then followed, if there is to be justice. (“In … Counsellors There Is Safety”, Gordon B. Hinckley, GC, Oct 1990)

From “Lesson 107: Doctrine and Covenants 102,” Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Seminary Teacher Manual (2013) President Harold B. Lee tells the following account:

“Some years ago … I served as a stake president. We had a very grievous case that had to come before the high council and the stake presidency that resulted in the excommunication of a man who had harmed a lovely young girl. After a nearly all-night session that resulted in that action, I went to my office rather weary the next morning and was confronted by a brother of this man whom we [met with in council] the night before. This man said, ‘I want to tell you that my brother wasn’t guilty of what you charged him with.’ 
“‘How do you know he wasn’t guilty?’ I asked. 
“‘Because I prayed, and the Lord told me he was innocent,’ the man answered” (Teachings of Harold B. Lee, ed. Clyde J. Williams [1996], 420–21).
President Lee continued the account:

 “I asked him to come into the office and we sat down, and I asked, ‘Would you mind if I ask you a few personal questions?’ 
“He said, ‘Certainly not.’ … 
“‘How old are you?’ 
“‘What priesthood do you hold?’ 
“He said he thought he was a teacher. 
“‘Do you keep the Word of Wisdom?’ 
“‘Well, no.’ … 
“‘Do you pay your tithing?’ 
“He said, ‘No’—and he didn’t intend to as long as that … man was the bishop of the Thirty-Second Ward. 
“I said, ‘Do you attend your priesthood meetings?’ 
“He replied, ‘No, sir!’ … 
“‘You don’t attend your sacrament meetings either?’ 
“‘No, sir.’ 
“‘Do you have your family prayers?’ and he said no. 
“‘Do you study the scriptures?’ He said well, his eyes were bad, and he couldn’t read very much. … 
“‘Now, then,’ I said, ‘fifteen of the best-living men in the Pioneer Stake prayed last night. … and every man was united. … Now you, who do none of these things, you say you prayed and got an opposite answer. How would you explain that?’ 
“Then this man gave an answer that I think was a classic. He said, ‘Well, President Lee, I think I must have gotten my answer from the wrong source’” (Teachings of Harold B. Lee, 421–22).


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